Level 6 – Task A
Wonderful Whirlybirds
Students will be assessed on their ability to plan and conduct a controlled, fair investigation that allows them to determine how they can alter a whirlybird so that it drops more slowly. Students will be required to process and evaluate their data, and explain their results. This task addresses all five inquiry skills, with the intention of offering the flexibility to focus on the skills that are pertinent to individual classes and assessment requirements.
Combined Documents | Teacher Notes | Teacher Slides | Student Worksheet | Teacher Rubrics |
Level 6 – Task B
Paper Towel Investigation
Through the completion of this task, students will be determining how effective different brands of paper towel are at absorbing water. Students will be challenged to decide on criteria and approaches to measuring absorption, and to design and conduct an investigation that controls for relevant variables. This task offers opportunities to assess all five inquiry skills to give you the flexibility to focus on the skills most relevant to your class and assessment requirements.
Combined Documents | Teacher Notes | Teacher Slides | Student Worksheet | Teacher Rubrics |