Level 1 Tasks

Level 1 – Task A

Ordering Objects by Movement

Students will be presented with a range of rolling objects. With teacher support to implement a fair test and make fair comparisons, students will be assessed on their ability to order the objects based on how far they roll along a surface. The inquiry skills of focus here are, ‘Questioning and Predicting’, ‘Recording and Processing’, and ‘Communicating’.

Combined documents Teacher Notes Teaching Slide Student Worksheet Teacher Rubrics

Level 1 – Task B

Ordering Objects by Strength

This is a guided task that provides students with the opportunity to order objects by their strength. Using a range of sheets made from different materials and a collection of weights, students will conduct a test that will allow them to order the sheets according to their strength. Teachers are to maintain a strong emphasis on fair testing and fair comparisons. The inquiry skills of focus here are, ‘Questioning and Predicting’, ‘Recording and Processing’, and ‘Communicating’.

Combined documents Teacher Notes Teaching Slide Student Worksheet Teacher Rubrics